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Man’s Highest Pursuit
8 years ago
bro.Branham spoke of 3 Comings of Christ. The first time He comes to redeem His Bride which He did at Calvary, the second He comes to receive His Bride and the third Coming is with His Bride. All denominations speak of 2 Comings only, the prophet bro.Branham speaks of 3 Comings of Jesus Christ. The First Coming is over. The Second Coming he said was the 7 church ages which he said is over in messages like Future Home, What is the Attraction on the Mountain, It is the Rising of the Sun and others. He also said the evening message is over in the Indictment message, as he indicted his generation for the Second crucifixion of Jesus Christ and brought a Resurrection message in the message 'It is the Rising of the Son', Easter Seal, Good Morning Bride, Shalom! Is the Third Coming on if the Second Coming is over? As he is talking of the Third Exodus, Third Pull doesn't it mean that the Second is over and we are in the Third, the Third, the Third?
I read many articles that message believers say Jesus is yet to come like the denominations and their mother church. The Roman church has been singing for 2000 years: Jesus Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. But we, message believers have more than they have as the prophet brought Golden nuggets: We have the Resurrection here and now, Heaven in Us here and now, as it one of the 7 dimensions, because Jesus Christ is in Us here and now and when HE is the Resurrection and He resurrected, we also RESURRECTED from this flesh bodies, which were once our graveyards, but now a New Creation in Jesus Christ.
In the message 'It is the Rising of the Sun' -1965 para no.60, bro.Branham our prophet says, "No Wonder the Gospel is good news. The very word Gospel means "the good news." The good news, what? If a man died for our sake, that's good news. If Christ was born, that's good news..... But never a news, never was there news like this news, that, He Who made the promise has confirmed the promise. Then, "He's alive forevermore, and have keys of both death and hell, in His hand." All the gloom was shook away. There was no more gloom to be seen, for the Son was up from the grave. There was no, "Well, He will come, or He may come." HE HAD ALREADY COME, THE GOSPEL, GOOD NEWS! - SECOND COMING FULFILLED AT PENTECOST IN THE UPPER ROOM DOWN THROUGH 7 CHURCH AGES. AMEN! TODAY WE ARE IN THE THIRD & FINAL EXODUS, THE THIRD PULL IS ON, WE ARE RIDING THE TRAIL AGAIN OF THE THIRD COMING BECAUSE OUR PROPHET COMPLETED THE SECOND COMING. GLORY!
The third pull as described by Brother Branham can be read on the post made by martin jones,
Brother Branham mentions this third pull in his ministry as being in the small room there in the tent. Nobody would know about this as it's not a public event, but 5 months before Brother Branham's taken off the scene, he's still waiting for the third pull.
27 So I've got my mind set on this Message. That's that Third Pull, and it's the one I must be loyal and reverent to.
Today is the 1/2 hour of silence, time for the bride to be prayed up, keep the oil burning an wear the diadem for he cometh life a thief in the night!
cege bye Brother Mata
Bro.Branhan said the Third Pull is to the total lost. He also said the Third Pull is speaking the Word! The Bible speaks of tent in a few places as the flesh body of a person. In my little room in this tent I am wearing is the Third Pull ministry going on as bro.Branham said the Bride has a ministry and it is going on. She is speaking the Word and it is coming to pass. I and many others have experienced the Third Pull in our lives and hence it is not a public show, right up to creating as well as stopping storms in our state. Bro.Branham's ministry is continuing on of the Third Pull in our lives in the last few years since we, the Seed, Bride, Wife, Queen, fulfilling these attributes caught the Revelation given by our Husband, Christ whispering His secrets to Us, let us know the Revelation for This Day. It is time others Catch Up and be in the Spirit like John all the time to see the Third Pull taking place daily. The oil is already in my lamp and it is shinning bright.
In a vision that bro.Branham had of the shoe laces, fishing and jerking the line when the Angel told him how to do it, we notice that when he pulled the line the third time he caught a rainbow trout. Well his message has caught the rainbow trout today. The new generation of believers are catching the Revelation of Jesus Christ as they are the rainbow trout this day. They have the revelation of the Third Pull and it is taking place in their lives and we are manifesting this Pull in our day. Bro.Branham saw this and said that after he is gone the Bride will catch the Revelation. Today the Bride day is over and we are manifesting the attribute of Kingship in our earth. Better catch up or one will be left behind.
The 1/2 hour silence is broken as the Coming of the Lord Jesus took place on Sunset Mountain, the Cloud being the Head of Christ and bro.Branham representing the Bride body as he was taken Up in the constellation of the 7 angels and he said We were all there, Moses was there, Elijah was there.
The Bridegroom came at the Seventh watch as a thief in the night when the Seventh angel married the Bridegroom,(Word) to the Bride of Seven Church ages as that was the Seventh angel's ministry and finished the Son of man ministry of 3 1/2 years, opened the 7 Seals as only the Bridegroom who is the Lion King of the tribe of Judah could open the Seals and they are All opened. Today the Bride is Queen, and She rules as the Throne is in her heart, victorious in all her circumstances, experiences, gaining Maturity more and more.
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