There are some ministers and believers in the Christian world that think the rapture will happen anytime. Others say that we are on the rapture already. Some say that this great event spews chaos to our inhabited world because if a pilot is a Christian when the rapture comes, the plane will crash and people will die. If the captain of the ship is a believer when the rapture comes, the ship will collide with other ships. The same will happen to the Christian drivers. But brothers and sisters, God is a God of order and not a God of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33) (Psalm 37:23). There will be no harvest until you will be in your homeland (Deu.11:8-17). That is why there is a decree of God to return to our promise land which is the Promised Word in our day, the Apostolic Doctrine and Teaching (Mal. 4:5-6b part) because what he sows, he will reap. Praise God. When you are now in the Promised Word or in the Body there will be an Ascension Gift that God will give to the Body for Its growth, protection and nourishment and will give It strength to work (Eph.4:7-16) just like the 5 immune systems in the body. Until the latter rain comes, which is the utterances of the seven thunders, then the harvest will come (Rev 10:3-4) (James 5:7). Hallelujah, Amen.