Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Call To Prayer And Fasting

The events that happened during the Feet-Washing and Communion Service did not just end. The congregation felt a strong conviction and leading from the Lord. His wonderful works are starting to manifest and everyone felt an unexplainable sense of joy. It is as if He is working with haste now to prepare the Bride of Christ for His coming. And on our part, we began preparing, as the Lord lead us, by praying and fasting for 3 days. Bro. Lito quoted Scripture in Joel 2:15-17 on Wednesday Night Service. "Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts. Let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, 'Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them.' Wherefore should they say among the people, 'Where is their God?'" And with that, a lot of us prayed and fasted. For 3 days, we endured the pains and hardships of praying and fasting because we are hopeful that by our deeds, the Lord will pour down His Holy Spirit to anoint us, will consecrate us and will deem us worthy to be called the Bride of Christ. We ended the fast by gathering together in church on Saturday afternoon, praying and praising His name. Oh what a day it was. It is always good to be in the presence of the Lord.


Anonymous said...

Why do you endure pain and hardship when it is a Day of Rejoicing and gladness, not mourning and sadness? When it is the Rising of the Sun, the darkness of the church ages are over, past and it is bright morning Sonshine, the Lord Jesus is Risen and we in Him are risen too, then why the mourning? Is there a revival going on Inside, presence of joy of the Holy Spirit or absence of joy? Is the presence of the Lord Jesus among you or are you still waiting on His Coming, to be filled with His presence and glory? Does it not mean that if the presence of the Lord is here then He is here already? Do we find Him Inside or outside like the denominations waiting for Him to come and He is still outside to them? Did not bro.Branham say that the Lord comes in the seventh watch and in the days of the seventh angel of the seventh church age? If the Seventh angel has gone to glory that means the Lord already came when he was there? The Lord Jesus came as a Pillar of Fire into bro.Branham, He came in a Cloud on Sunset Mountain and bro.Branham was taken up into the Cloud of 7 angels and he said We were all There, came back and opened the Seals. Who opened the Seals if not Christ in bro.Branham? So He had to leave the Intercessory seat to open the Seals and be the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and take the Throne is His Bride's heart. The Second Coming taking place at Pentecost to fulfill John 14:3 when bro.Branham said Christ comes the Second time to receive His Bride. He has done it down through 7 Church ages from Pentecost to Laodicea. The Bride TODAY is not in Laodicea, She is out and in Christ in His Third Coming and She is with Him manifesting the Son of David reign in her Life as She is Him according to Bro.Branham.